Thursday, April 21, 2005

To shed or not to shed, that is the question

There is a chinese saying 男儿有泪不轻弹. It means a guy should not shed a tear easily. But I think that to suppress your emotion is not healthy. It is an outpour of heart-felt emotion. A gross analogy would be controlling your bowels and it ain't healthy to control it when you feel you need to let go. When you have to let go, you have to go.

I still remember that my first emotional outbreak happen when I was about seven or eight years was during my grandfather's funeral. Back then although I didn't know much about life and death, but I just let go.

The recent tsunami last december had also set my heart to pieces. Still recall a photo of a man holding on to his dead child in the newspaper. It was heartbreaking and sadden me deeply...and it was hard not to shed a tear for the victims...



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