Monday, March 31, 2008

The last of Kwong Hou Sua Teochew Cemetery

I visited my great-grandfather and his wife's tomb during the Qing Ming festival back in 2006.

Last year my dad went on his own I think. But this year my father asked me to company him again. It turns out to be the last time I am visiting the Guang Xiao Shan (Kwong Hou Sua) Teochew Cemetery...

Apparently, LTA has issued an exhumation notice to make way for the downtown line which will cut through the cemetery.

From LTA website:
The Kwong Hou Sua Teochew Cemetery is an old burial ground located on State land off Woodlands Road. This cemetery has been closed for burial since the early 1970's. Part of the burial ground (see location map below) is required for the development of the proposed depot for Downtown Line Stage 2. Land Transport Authority (LTA) will soon undertake the exhumation of the affected graves.

My great-grandfather's tomb

My great-grandmother's tomb

Somehow, I will miss this place, even though I have been to it only twice....



At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez I think I not gonna visit your blog until much later/if you would take down the picture....dun even dare to scroll down to the picture again...

At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Narrow minded...


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