Wednesday, October 18, 2006

PSI closes at 86; High 106, low 59

Recently, besides the STI index, another index was closely monitored by lots of singapore - the PSI (Pollutant Standards Index). Why I said that? cos the bloody website crashes a couple of times since the PSI hit the 130 mark. I suspects the user who specified the requirement never state that the website must tahan (withstand) a load of 2 million hits? (disclaimer: actually I don't know the website's load tolerance. I am just putting into practise what I learn from the software requirement seminar I am currently attending.)

Some pictures I took today. It kind of makes me gloomy to be outside.
Sengkang housing estate at 8.06 am, 17th October 2006. PSI = 67.

East coast at 6.54 pm, 17th October 2006. PSI = 105.

So like any internet user who has bad experience on one website, I turn to other alternative source for the PSI update - Channelnewsasia (CNA). CNA has a special section dedicated to the haze. Hopefully I don't have to look for another alternative(fingers crossed)....

The PSI chart for 17th October at market close midnight.

Chart source:



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