Sunday, April 01, 2007

What's the most important thing in life?

Went into mood swing and started pondering life again, in particular, what is the most important thing in life. Do not know what got over me but decided to sms a few people about what they think and got some replies...

Some says:
"Faith. faith lead us to find true friends we need, life we want and way to go."

Another says:
"Staying Alive"

My good buddy says:
" live happily and fruitful from the shortest time we have. Love, family and good friends.."

But make me ROFL was this MMS saying:
In my opinion, it varies you learn more about life.

When you are a toddler, the most important thing is to play and eat!

When you are kid, it might be your toy?

When you are a teenager, maybe your handphone (For elite teenager, might be the number of A's).

When you start working fulltime, money to clear off your debt.

So what is the most important thing in your life, now?



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