Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Stumble upon a Sudoku website today. It has a lot of Sodoku puzzles. Was quite delighted to find it. A friend of mine had a book full of such puzzle. I was hooked to it at once when I tried it. Tried almost all the puzzle, from easy to difficult. I must say its a very addictive game.

For those who don't know, Sudoku is a logic-based placement puzzle. The rules are simple: each small grid should contain the numbers 1-9 and each row and column should contain the numbers 1-9.

Some numbers are removed from the 9 grid box (each has a 3-by-3 subgrid). The purpose is to fill the numbers without violating the rules. I usually start with the numbers that are without doubt. Those are key to solving the puzzle.

This is the one I solved today:The website have an archive of past puzzles they publised. Guess I will be trying each and everyone of them :P.


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