What Polling date meant to Singaporean
Scene #1
Me_on_Yahoo: Singapore General Election: Nomination Day on April 27, Polling Day on May 6
Colleague_A_on_Yahoo: so we get 1 day off?
Me_on_Yahoo: :|
Scene #2
Me: Election day out liao. May 6
Colleague B: (check calendar) aiya..Saturday leh
Me: ...
Colleague B: hmm...if it's a Public Holiday, we may get Off-in-lieu.
Me: ...
Scene #3
Colleague C come to my desk to ask something.
Me: Wait, you know Election day on May 6?
Colleague C: Oh..What day is it?
Me: Saturday
Colleague: wah liao...
Me: ...
Scene #4
Me_On_Yahoo: Singapore General Election: Nomination Day on April 27, Polling Day on May 6
Colleague_D_On_Yahoo: wow that is news
Colleague_D_On_Yahoo: aiya may 6 saturday leh
Me: :|
Scene #5
Me_On_MSN: Singapore General Election: Nomination Day on April 27, Polling Day on May 6
Friend_A_On_MSN: Can't be bothered
Me_On_MSN: :|
Disclaimer: The above does not contain any explicit political content and is purely a recap of the true and uncensored reaction of my friends and colleagues when I enthusiastically relayed a piece of exciting news (at least to me).
Scene #5 is very ME!
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