Monday, June 04, 2007

Even that little thing seems so hard

Two days of fever followed by 3 days of agonising throat pang is not what I had expected or wanted for a supposedly short week.

The ordeal started on Vesak Day's Eve when I started feeling a bit under the weather, but being a good employee ;-) decided to push myself to work. But by noon, I was trembling with cold and feeling feeble that I knew I can no longer carry on. I packed up and go home for what would be a 20 hours fight with fever that comes and goes. The fever monster was fought off eventually but left me with multiple throat ulcers to remind me that the battle was won but the war is not over as yet.

Every soft food that I tried had a ripping effect as I try to swallow pass my ulcer infested throat. I eventually give up taking any food. Every saliva that I swallow drew tension on my face and disrupt my attempt to close my eyes in peace.

I started this new week exhausted, with dehydration due to insufficient fluid intake.

Hopefully with my double dosage of anti-biotic and extra 'ammo' that the doctor provided today, I can win this battle and avoid going for intravenous injection...



At 4:31 PM, Blogger aud said...

thanks for the vivid and visual documentation of your throat.. and no wonder i wasn't as irritated last fri.. Yuan lai u not ard! ho ho ho...


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