Thursday, November 29, 2007




Monday, November 19, 2007

My Space @06-02/03

My cubicle on day 1 at the new premise:
This is probably the neatest it shall get....

Team photo (though one was missing)

For more photos from the opening ceremony, look here.

For a naked view of the office before we moved in, click here.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Can a guy and a girl be 'just friends'?

Opposite-sex friendships are great, and can be completely uncomplicated.

Or they can get you into a whole heap of trouble.

By Dr. Christine B. Whelan

Sometimes a movie hits a chord in the collective conscience of a generation: The 1989 movie When Harry Met Sally did just that.

Harry: You realize of course that we could never be friends.
Sally: Why not?
Harry: What I'm saying is - and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form - is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.
Sally: That's not true. I have a number of men friends and there is no sex involved.
Harry: No you don't.
Sally: Yes I do…
Harry: You only think you do.

As young adults attend co-ed colleges and universities, work side-by-side at the office and travel together on business trips, the idea that the opposite sex is mysterious or foreign (and thus always somehow sexually seductive) has been replaced with the notion that men and women can--and should--be friends. According to our recent BustedHalo reader survey, only 30% of respondents agree with Harry that men and women can't be "just friends." Sometimes, though, it's a challenge.

This is the first in a series of Pure Sex, Pure Love articles about male-female friendships. This article lays the general groundwork: What are the benefits and challenges of having close friends of the opposite sex? And how do you appropriately maintain that friendship when one or both of you enter into romantic relationships with other people?

Subsequent articles will tackle tensions and jealousy that sometimes arise from close male-female friendships; why we often lose touch with our opposite-sex friends when we get married or start serious relationships; and how close a friendship with your ex can be. No matter who you are or what stage you are at in the dating and relationship world, I'll bet these topics affect you and your friends.

Was Harry right?
Nearly 90% of BustedHalo respondents say they have close friends of the opposite sex. Half of those respondents also say they've started dating someone with whom they'd previously been "just friends." So was Harry right?

BustedHalo readers know that there are some real benefits to having friends of the opposite sex: a "refreshing" perspective, a sounding board, someone to move furniture, the list goes on.

"She's your window into the mysterious world of girls," writes Shaun, 25.

"One of my closest guy friends can laugh with me (or make me laugh) about yet another blind date gone wrong, whereas my girlfriends (mostly married or attached) sometimes don't know what to say or shy away from saying something for fear of hurting my feelings," writes Kate, 25.

But there are plenty of challenges as well--especially when romantic attachments develop. "If you're both single and straight, one of you is going to fall for the other, plain and simple," writes Kathy, 23, and it's complicated when one person is happy with a simple friendship while another person wants more.

Sometimes, even when two people are honestly just friends, others perceive things differently, and that's enough to cause a lot of awkwardness: "If you're such good friends or even look good together people assume that she's your girlfriend or you're having an affair," writes Mike, 36.

Despite these challenges and occasional awkwardness, it would be silly to rule out 50% of the population as potential friends. Many of us are blessed with close friends of the opposite gender, and this is a true gift.

If a single man and a single woman are close friends and it turns into something more, it's often a terrific match: These are two people who know and respect each other as individuals before becoming romantically involved.

But when one or both friends is in a relationship, the line between friendship and "something more" needs to be crystal clear.

Where's the line?
Seventy percent of BustedHalo respondents said if they were in a relationship, they would feel that it is appropriate to go out for lunch alone with a friend of the opposite sex, to have drinks in a group with that friend (but without their significant other), or to e-mail regularly with that friend.

Half of respondents thought talking on the phone regularly would be appropriate, and 39% said having dinner alone together or sharing personal facts about your current relationship would be OK with a friend of the opposite sex. But 75% of respondents said it wasn't OK to watch a movie on the couch alone - or take that person as a "just-friends" date to an event.

I'm intrigued by these responses: I'm blessed with several male friends. I go to lunch and dinner with them without my fiancé. Peter has female friends whom he goes to lunch and dinner with alone as well. We both e-mail and talk regularly to our friends of the opposite sex. Occasionally I have visiting male friends staying over on my couch (something BustedHalo respondents gave a thumbs-down vote in our recent survey) and Peter doesn't mind, nor would I mind if the situation were reversed.

But there are certainly lines that we wouldn't cross: I wouldn't really be very excited if Peter started spending evenings on the couch with his female friends, nor would I think it would be a great idea to lounge around with my male friends in such an intimate environment alone.

Each couple--and each friendship--is comfortable with different levels of intimacy. The best tactic is to be open and honest with your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse about your friendships. Tell them when you are going out with your opposite-sex friend.

And be careful about putting yourself in an awkward position-or in a situation where appearances might imply something different than reality.

Trust is at the core of any healthy relationship-and honest communication keeps this trust alive. Opposite-sex friendships are great, and can be completely uncomplicated. Or they can get you into a whole heap of trouble.


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Monday, November 12, 2007


"解脱 是肯承认这是个错
你有自由走 我有自由好好过..."

Full lyrics below.

爱是不夜城 回忆像星辰
热泪越沸腾 我越感觉有点冷
变了心的人 越想越伤人
枯坐到清晨 阳光替房间 开了灯

想 若结局一样 又何苦再想
伤 若让人成长 我为什么怕 分手的伤

解脱 是肯承认这是个错
你有自由走 我有自由好好过

解脱 是懂擦干泪看以后
这世界辽阔 我总会实现 一个梦

想 若结局一样 又何苦再想
伤 若让人成长 我为什么怕 分手的伤

解脱 是肯承认这是个错
你有自由走 我有自由好好过

心里有一种 渴望勇敢的念头
不要 爱我的人再担心我

不放手 我有自由好好过

解脱 是懂擦干泪看以后
这世界辽阔 我总会实现 一个梦

Friday, November 09, 2007

A-Mei World Tour 2007

First time hearing A-mei (张惠妹) live in concert. It was worth the ticket value as she delivers many familiar hits, which the audience sang along aloud, much to her surprise.

It was also heartening to see local talents so prevalent in her concert crew. Tay Kewei and one of the Dreamz FM member Jim (林 倛 玉) were part of her backup vocal team. A few of the band members were from Singapore, including the musical producer.

The 1-day concert was three and half hour long, with encore session taking up more than half hour. I couldn't help humming to songs like 解脱, 我要快乐, 记得, 原来你什么都不要. She also 清唱 天天想你, in memory of of the late 张雨生. and of cos the duet 最爱的人伤我最深.

A-mei started the encore segment with a couple of unplugged performance. Then eventually (almost) everyone, including me (who finally stood up after relentless poking from aud), was on their feet towards the end as everyone clapped and sang along one of her old hits 牵手. The backup vocals were call on stage to sing along 姐妹 and she also made every one of her band sang the chorus. It was hilarious and fun.

She may not be a dancer, but it was still worth while to hear her performed live!


Monday, November 05, 2007

Fried rice paradise

Too lazy to cook so did something simple for my lunch today:

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Dried shrimps
  • Leftover rice
  • Eggs
  • Light soy sauce
  • White pepper



Never get tired of listening to this song, yet :-P








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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Don't take me for granted

When you do it, no one notice. When you don't, you are condemned.

是理所当然的吗? 就一定是某个人职责? 有签约吗?


International Bully

I is the farking pissed.

From The New Paper:

THE furore over a trishaw rider being bullied by three British tourists has now spread to their home country after a national newspaper picked up The New Paper report.

The Daily Mail reported how the men had mocked 67-year-old trishaw rider Lee Shee Lam and then escaped in a taxi without paying him.

The popular tabloid mentioned how a video of the incident posted on YouTube had sparked outrage among Singaporeans. Its online version has a link to the YouTube video.

It also quoted from this reporter's e-mail interview with the tourist who posted the original video in which he apologised for their actions but denied they were bullies.

Bloggers in the UK have also responded by criticising the tourists for their thoughtless actions.

Responding to The Daily Mail report, one reader, Brian of Bournemouth, wrote: 'Makes you ashamed to be British - this is the product of our educational system.'


A blogger in the UK, gtkh, wrote: 'We aren't perfect ourselves as a people (or even as a race). Let's all work towards re-educating ourselves.

'Maybe one day, we will succeed to be a better world. Let's start with showing some compassion.'

The outrage has also spread to other parts of the globe as Netizens responded directly on YouTube or wrote to The New Paper.

Wrote one YouTube user, Cas C of New Zealand: 'Your actions are bullying, whatever you may think. Preying on the weak and elderly is cowardly.

'Not paying for a service rendered is robbery. Don't agree? Check your dictionary.

'You have robbed the hard-earned money deserved by the one who provided you with the service you requested for.'

Ms Vikki Yip of Australia was one of several overseas readers who sent e-mails to The New Paper to register their disgust over the incident.

She wrote in her open letter: 'Making fun of and sneering at the elderly man who was ferrying you on his rickshaw throughout the 10-minute ride - that's bullying.

'You made fun of him, laughed at him, taunted him as he struggled, and refused to pay him in the end. And you think that was all just being 'insensitive'? Who were you trying to kid?'


She continued her tirade: 'The poor old man was just trying to earn a living and had to chase three young foreigners for his money, because they refused to pay.

'And in the end, you and your filthy friends insulted him with a mere $5? He's not a beggar and it angers all of us to watch him plead to get his money back.'

There is also a forum thread on the Singapore Expats Forum discussing the video.

One British user, who goes by the online handle of seasider, recalled having taken a ride on Mr Lee's trishaw previously.

He wrote: 'I recognise that uncle - he gave me my one and only trishaw ride a couple of years ago. We beat him down on price and then, gave him an absolute fortune anyway because it was obviously a great effort. He was a jolly old soul and totally fearless, and we were just grateful to be alive.

'As a Brit (and a Northerner), the video was highly uncomfortable to watch. I think these guys were drunk and stupid rather than evil, but that doesn't help Uncle at all.'

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Friday, November 02, 2007

暧昧 - 杨丞琳







Repeat *

Repeat #

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Soft language

negative cash flow position - broke lah!

There is no more stupid people in this world - only people with learning disorder...
