Thursday, May 22, 2008

Diminishing return

Have I hit a state of diminishing return? Have I lost the passion? Am I just like a frog in a pot of boiling water?


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mother nature reminds us again

Nobody on earth is omnipotent.

Just when everyone thought the cyclone that tore through Myanmar was devastating enough, the earth rocks and took away many innocent lives, including young ones in China Sichuan province.

The main stream newspaper flooded front page with huge photo footage each day. Today was that of the remains of one town near the epicenter. I also read about a story about a young girl who has to have her limbs (not sure if its both) amputated to be rescued from the debris. TV news at night once again show videos of mothers who lost their child going berserk. Simply too heart wrenching for the emotional ones.

Just pray more will be saved.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Touchy song

After the last hit singles Blame it on somebody, which was a tremendous hit in the blogger space, Mr Brown is back once again on the internet podcast singles chart with another new hit single call Sometimes lighter touch.

Will he release an album containing all his hits singles? Only time will tell.

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

It does not matter how you died...'s how you lived

- Inspired by the movie "The Last Samurai"


Thursday, May 01, 2008

Istana on May Day

Some friends have been asking me why this blog hasn't been updated.

Well, April was quite a tiring month. Lots of things happened. Lots of soul searching. Lots of emotional roller coaster. I had so much things on my mind...too many.

Moving on, since my previous entry was on the last day of March, I shall continue with a blog about the first day of May.

The Istana was open to public on May day. So I brought my dad for a visit, since he had never step inside before. The Istana ground was free for Singaporean and Permanent Residents. But to go inside the Istana Building to see the Staterooms requires a 2 dollar entrance fee.

Enough said. Some photos to test your internet bandwidth...

Obey the rules or thou shall not enter

Carefree Swan

Park of the Istana ground

Japanese Cannon

Lots of flowers on the Istana ground.
Too bad I don't have a macro lens.

The Istana building

You can see the Singapore Flyer

Crest on top of the building

The President is at home.
But I think he was suffering from jet lag.

Singapore Crest at the main gate.

Guard #1

Guard #2
