Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Something about Tur Kwa

After a certain Jeff Lopez got into a dispute with a Bak Chor Mee man, it prompted the creation of a wallpaper to commemorate the incident and "Sorry also must explained" have since become the lastest lingo, after "Remember, prison got no broadband". The situation have led to phenomenal social impact.

Did you tell the Bak Chor Mee man that you "dowan tur kwa"?


Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Pledge

It's being a long time since I said the pledge. An incident during the election led me to summon my inner most memory:

We, the citizens of Singapore,
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race , language or religion,
to build a democratic society,
base on justice and equality,
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity
and progress for our nation.


The recent election has prompted me to read more into the words and what they stand for.

Do you remember your country's pledge and the meaning of it?


Monday, May 01, 2006

May day weekend

I didn't exactly rest that well over the May day weekend as emotions were up and down.

Yesterday as I droved by a neat and clean estate, looking for car park lot, only to find some Man In Black doing sentry duties at a few car park entrance. I thought some VIP must be visiting the Heartlander's place so security has to be tight. Wonder who? I ended up parking at quite some distance away from the nicely lit shopping mall.

Later on, as I walk passed a slightly muddy open field, I was overwhelmed by the presence of tens of thousand of people congregating there. I didn't stay too long in case there were rowdy behaviour and the authorities would step in. I thought I saw some 'red buses' somewhere.

Today, I thought I could get my regular world news on TV but it kept showing people slimming people, about dying of hunger (in Singapore) and over-reliance blah blah blah....

So I switched to my alternative channel - the world wild web, only to start pondering where to retire in 30 years time when ageing population issue might become a really really serious issue.

Time to call my insurance agent to get some advice on retirement plans?
